TTC Timeline

2.5 yrs NTNP + 30 months Actively TTC

-Diagnosed with Diminished Ovarian Reserve, late ovulation, uterine septum, Anti-Phospholipid Syndryome (Anticardiolipin Antibody, Antinuclear Antibody, Protein S deficiency),  MTHFR, +NK cells

Lost over 20 lbs and 10% body fat, working as personal trainer full time, got a little cray cray with fitness

12/2008: (age 30) Stopped taking BCP's (birth control pills) after 10 yrs on them. Got even more involved with fitness training and fitness modeling. 19-20% body fat at this time.

1/2009: NTNP (Not Trying Not Preventing). Noticed I was no longer getting a period. Moved from CA to TX and bought house big enough for a family.

1/2009-7/2011: Unexpectedly signed 3 yr. fitness modeling contract with Wilhelmina Models. Continued fitness lifestyle and excessive exercise. Averaged 10-16% body fat during this time. Still NTNP, but still no monthly period for entire 31 months...anovulatory.

7/2011: (age 33) Hubby and I decided to start TTC'ing seriously. Began limiting exercise and gaining weight. Saw OB/GYN who Rx'ed Clomid Round #1 (to help ovulate). Ovulated, but did not become pregnant.

8/2011: Clomid Round #2. Did not ovulate. Still not getting period on my own. Was referred to an RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist). Had gained 10 lbs. by this time.

9/2011-10/2011: Completed HSG (hysterosalpingogram), SA (sperm analysis for hubby), bloodwork, ultrasounds, and other diagnostic tests. Small uterine septum found, but no other obvious structural issues. Dr.'s agreed anovulation was due to too much exercise and low body fat for too long, possibly coupled with extensive time on BCP's. Diagnosed as anovulatory with "unexplained infertility."

10/2011: Had gained 15 lbs. by this time, but STILL no period. RE Rx'ed Provera to induce a period. Started using OPK's to track ovulation and time intercourse. Ovulated!

11/2011: PREGNANCY #1! Miscarried @ 5.5 weeks :(

12/2011: Got a period on my own following the miscarriage...first time to have a real period in 3 years!!!

1/2012: Femara Round #1 (to help ovulate) with Estrace (to help thin uterine lining)

- Washed cycle due to estrace canceling out ovulation before I had the chance to use an hCG trigger shot. NOT happy with Western medicine.

2/2012: Educated myself more and began temperature charting. Decided to take a break from Western meds and use a more natural Eastern approach. Tweaked my nutrition, began supplements and weekly acupuncture. Tracking with OPK's. Ovulated on my own! No pregnancy.

2/2012-8/2012: (age 34) Continued with acupuncture, nutrition, BBT charting and OPK's. Ovulated each subsequent cycle on my own, but noticing long cycles and late ovulation persisting. Seeing improvements, but still no pregnancy.

8/2012-9/2012: Began Femara Round #2 (Rx'ed by OB/GYN). Decided to return to RE mid-cycle for ultrasound monitoring and came to terms with seeking help via specialist again. Ovulated CD20 (slightly earlier), began Prometrium @ 3dpo, but no pregnancy.

9/2012-10/2012: Switched to different (more experienced) RE in same practice...We click! Femara Round #3 with IUI (Intrauterine Insemination procedure) #1. Ovulated Cd16 (earliest ovulation ever), began Prometrium @3dpo, but no pregnancy.

10/2012-1/2013: Femara Round #4 with IUI #2. Ovulated Cd17, Prometrium @3dpo, + PREGNANCY #2!

Beta #1 hCG = 22 & progesterone = 19 (11/19/12)
Beta #2 hCG = 85 & progesterone = 28
Beta #3 hCG = 396 & progesterone = 36
Beta #4 hCG = 190 (impending miscarriage
diagnosed @ 5.5 weeks)
Beta #5 hCG= 205 (suspected ectopic pregnancy)
Beta #6 hCG= 207 (Methotrexate given)
Beta #7 hCG= 196 (went down! promising!)
Beta #8 hCG= 223 (gotta be f'ing kidding me! Methotrexate administered second time)
Beta #9 hCG= 147 (PLEASE keep dropping!)
Beta #10 hCG= 108 (YES! On it's way down!)
HPT @ 9 Weeks= still +....Will it ever end?
Beta #11 hCG= 7 (Almost there! 1 more test)
Beta #12 hCG= 0 (Over @ 10.5 weeks on 1/4/13)

...My heart is broken in a million pieces AGAIN.
Over it and onto IVF!

Chromosomal Testing completed:
-Me= Normal karyotype
-Hubby= Anueploidy karyotype (45x46xy)

Counsyl Genetic Testing completed:
-Both partners found to be HFE carriers (Hereditary Hemochromatosis...nothing life threatening)
-Me= compound heterozygous MTHFR diagnosis (C677T & A1298C)
-Hubby= Cystic Fibrosis carrier

RPL (Recurrent Pregnancy Loss) panel results:
-AntiCardiolipin Antibodies
-AntiNuclear Antibodies
-Protein S deficiency
(same result as above)
*Rx'ed to take Lovenox & aspirin in future pregnancies

HSG#2 completed...All clear!

2/2013: Trying naturally, began Prometrium @3dpo. No pregnancy.

AMH re-tested = 1.8 (Increased from 0.88 taken 6 months prior ...Good news for once)

2/2013-4/2013: Taking the leap & moving onto IVF!

Microdose Lupron IVF protocol:
2/25/13- Begin BCP's
4/1/13- Trigger shot & Lining check = 9.8 mm!
4/3/13- Egg Retrieval
(17 retrieved, 14 mature, 12 fertilized)
4/8/13- 2 Blastocysts Transferred + 5 Frosties
4/17/13- FAILED IVF

6/2013- FET #1 w/1 frozen embryo
6/1/13- Cycle begins
6/2/13- (age 35)
6/14/13- Lining check = 8.4 mm
6/20/13- ET (embryo transfer) w/1 blastocyst
6/29/13- FAILED FET

7/2013- IVF lab closed for routine maintenance. Trying naturally. Began treatment with new (3rd) acupuncturist.

8/2013- Began individual therapy sessions.

9/2013- FET #2 w/ 2 embryos:
8/5/13- Cycle begins
8/22/13- Lining check= 7.4 mm
8/28/13- Lining check= 8 mm
9/3/13- ET w/2 blastocysts
9/12/13- Low + pregnancy (hCG=6, P4=8,E2=64)...loss #3

9/20/13-Operative Hysteroscopy & Laparoscopy
-uterine septum excised
-cyst "twisted around" left fallopian tube removed
-scar tissue on uterus, bowel, and liver removed
-NO endometriosis found
-NO polyps found

-estradiol therapy following surgery to prevent scarring
-provera to induce new cycle

10/2013-11/2013: Femara Round #5 w/ IUI while on "break from IVF" following surgery.

Reproductive Immunology Consult w/Dr. Geoffrey Sher (NK Cell testing + Expanded APA panel): -Activated Natural Killer Cells borderline high
-+ for additional APA's
...Clearly I have APS (Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome).

...Not putting our eggs in the RI basket at this point. Will add low dose steroid to regime, but no other treatments. Not impressed with Dr. Sher and sticking with current RE.

12/2013- FET #3 w/2 embryos (4th & final transfer):
11/18/13- Cycle begins
11/29/13- Lining Check= 9.1 mm
12/4/13- ET w/2 blastocysts
12/13/13- + Pregnancy

8/2014- Preston BORN!

2/2016- Natural pregnancy (loss)
-2 rounds of methotrexate administered without resolution...long process
-surgery to remove pregnancy & endometriosis, but saved both tubes

11/2016- CD3 Labs
AMH = 2.32 (improved from previous years)
FSH = 11.33 (high side, but not crazy)
estradiol = 27.9 (normal)
egg retrieval score = 10 (fair/ave)

HSG completed- Normal, tubes clear. Still no indication why the ectopic.

1/2017-2/2017-Taking the leap and doing IVF retrieval #2!

Lupron Microdose IVF Protocol (same plan as last time)
1/14/17-Begin BCP's
2/14/17-Trigger Shot (lining 10.8mm) & Begin cabergoline to prevent OHSS
2/16/17- Egg Retrieval
(30 retrieved, 27 mature, 22 fertilized, 14 biopsied & frozen)

PGS (Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening) results:
4 normal chromosomal embryos (2 female & 2 male)
1 embryo "no signal"....couldn't determine if DNA normal (still keeping)

1 comment:

  1. Have you are fed up with all the empty promises and expensive treatments, that haven’t reduce the risk of miscarriages and other complications.after years of trying to conceive and a failed IVF and a failed FET And if you also suffer from ovarian cysts, uterine fibroid, tubal obstruction, endometriosis or lazy ovaries or if your male partner has low sperm count or sperm motility disorders, then Native Iya Hindi herbal medicine will help you treat most of these infertility related conditions while restoring your energy and vitality and giving you the healthy baby you’ve dreamed of for so long. course i have tried it and it worked out for now am pregnant with my baby with just two weeks of contacting him, after 4 years of us trying to conceive. Native Iya Hindi herbal medicine with your herbs you have brought life into our marriage, am very grateful to him on. . Or Whats-pp ‪+1 (914) 530‑9510‬
